3 Popular Diets to Help You Lose Weight Fast

diets with fast results

You can become obsessive with spending too much time in the gym worrying more about the time, than the quality of your training, this also goes hand in hand with trying to find diets with fast results.

There are many diets out there that you could follow?

-The paleo diet

-The vegan diet

-Low carb diets

-The dukan diet

-The ultra low fat diet

-The Atkins diet

-Ketogenic diet

-The HCG diet

-The Zone diet

And many more types of diets you can find online…

4 weeks progression



diets with fast results

My focus was to train for a jiu jitsu fight in March, Now I’m training for another fight in June, I’m using this time to show you how effective routine and strategies i.e., protocols are when it comes to transforming your body. There is no perfect diet but the balanced diet. For us to have a balanced diet we must understand, there are protocols that will deliver us faster results. These protocols we use to teach our body to be more efficient when achieving any goals!

Ok so what next, what is the best way to find diets with fast results…

This is where you need to look at your lifestyle and find what works for you, the way I do transformations for my clients is I start with 1. Ketogenic dieting for 6-10 weeks then I move onto 2. Cyclical Ketogenic dieting for 6 – 10 weeks then onto 3. Carbohydrate cycling for 6 – 10 weeks. This is all programmed together with a concurrent training plan to achieve the best results.

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”

Are you also finding that your spending too much time in the gym, or not benefiting from the quality of your workouts?

Well, that’s another topic, where do I start with looking for the right workout plan for me, well rule number 1 is any plan is better than no plan, finding yourself strolling around the gym looking what to do next isn’t following any plan and is setting you up for failure, although its good exercise to still be in the gym, its not training for adaptation.


Nutrition is one of the most primary aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

3 Points for Finding the best Diet and Workout for you!

  1. Make sure you can dedicate yourself to the training plan with specific days, increase either volume or intensity week by week.
  2. If you were going higher volume and lower intensity, I would increase carbohydrates (Cyclical ketogenic dieting or Carbohydrate cycle).
  3. If you were going higher intensity and lower volume I would either do Cyclical ketogenic dieting or Ketogenic dieting.

Now you should roughly understand that having a concurrent nutrition plan to run alongside your training plan will guarantee fast results. Looking for Diets with fast results is not what you should be looking for, but you should be looking to optimize your body so that you understand what it’s doing and why so that you can use the same protocols every time.

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